General description of the enterprise´s structure, area of operations and market
Presto Holding AB and subsidiaries are leaders in Europe in fire and accident protection and a full-service provider of safety services, products and installations in fire protection, safety training and first aid. Today, via its subsidiaries, the Group assists all manner of companies and organisations with risk management, developing customised and effective fire protection and safety training for their personnel.
Presto’s organisation is based on meeting our customers where they operate and making it easy for them to get the proper training and solutions for fire safety and accident protection on-site. That is why we are now present in more than 90 locations in Europe, in five countries - Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Germany.
The Group
The Presto Group is united and kept strong by a shared vision, culture and brand. The Group is responsible, with the countries, for establishing agreed strategy and shared goals. The Group supports the countries with common policies and guidelines and centralised functions in accounting and finance, IT, communications, business development, marketing and acquisitions. At the Group level, internal functions are also in place for sustainability, purchasing, technology development and supply of materials.
Presto's country organisations operate independently and each country organisation is responsible for sales and delivery of services, training and products. Each country has centralised support functions for management, HR, process and product development. The country organisations are also responsible for developing their respective operations and business areas by implementing and monitoring strategies for profitable and sustainable growth.
Business areas
Presto has a complete full-service offering combining fire safety and services, safety trainings and first aid, through three business areas – fire safety, safety training and first aid.
Presto operates in three markets, the fire safety services market, the safety training market and the first aid market.
Fire safety services & fire protection products
It’s regulated by law that authorised personnel must install and regularly maintain many safety products. Our skilled technicians help to ensure that customers benefit from long-term functionality in the products or systems they have installed. We offer installation, maintenance and servicing visits in many areas, including fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, exit lights and fire alarms. At Presto, we manufacture our own fire protection products and operate a take-back system for fire extinguishers.
Safety training
One crucial element in our comprehensive offering is to help our customers to improve their knowledge and ensure that they have the right certificates and trainings. A safe working environment should be everyone’s right and priority and the right safety training is key to preventing accidents.
We offer training in most areas required to comply with safety laws and regulations in the countries where we are present. Our instructors have extensive experience in all of the trainings that we offer. We help to plan, run, and follow up the best possible programme. We offer both theoretical and practical trainings, available for individuals or in groups. Many of our courses are offered online or in e-learning format.
First aid
Accidents do happen, even though we do everything we can to help our customers to stay safe. Being prepared and knowing what to do when ‘the unthinkable’ happens, can be the difference between life and death. Our ambition is to contribute to a safer community, together with our customers. Therefore, we provide workplaces with quality first aid products and our deep expertise to prevent injuries when accidents do happen. We have a wide range of products and services to provide a holistic approach to first aid, now and in the future.
Prestos due diligence work
We work in accordance with OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises to systematically address actual and potential negative impacts on human rights and decent working conditions. The work is based on the following process defined in these guidelines.

Source: OECD Due diligence guidance for responsible business conduct.
1. Responsible business conduct in policies and management system
Responsible business conduct is embedded in our business management processes and documents, including our Supplier Code of Conduct and internal Social and Ethical Responsibility Policy.
Presto AB, Suomen Ensiapukoulutus Oy and Presto Oy are included in our Group multi-site certifications for quality management according to ISO 9001 and environmental management according to ISO 14001 and thus works systematically on sustainability and quality management and follow-up. Work is ongoing to extend this work to the group-wide level. Presto also works systematically with occupational health and safety management with the national legislation in the countries where we operate as a minimum level.
The group HSEQ department are responsible for including responsible business conduct in policy documents and routines and are also responsible for coordination, internal guidance and reporting. The work on ethics in the supply chain is included in the strategic purchasing function's policy documents and working methods. The purchasing function are responsible to communicate our supplier requirements, including our Code of Conduct, and for compliance monitoring and follow-up. Responsibility for decent working conditions in our internal operations is coordinated at group level and led and driven at operational level by managers of regions and departments.
Reporting systems
Our management system includes a digital system for accident, incident and risk management to support an active safety and improvement culture within the internal operations and for an overview of our accident, disease, incident and risk statistics. In Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark, we conduct regular pulse surveys of how employees feel about their work situation. That gives aggregated feedback from employees regarding what works well and what can be done better.
Each of Presto’s five markets has legislation in place to protect whistle-blowers from retaliation when raising the alarm about irregularities. A reporting channel is established in Sweden to enable anyone – internally or externally – to anonymously report an issue, and similar systems are being implemented also in Finland, Norway, Denmark and Germany. If someone suspects misconduct, legal and/or regulatory offences, Presto encourages them to report it as a whistle-blower issue. Examples of activities or events that can be considered to be misconduct in the public interest are bribery, theft, fraud, accounting offences, tax offences and other criminal acts. No such issues were reported during the previous year.
2. Identification of risks and adverse impacts
To map and identify risks of human rights and decent working conditions violations related to Prestos operations, products or services we have screened our supply chain and prioritized critical suppliers. This prioritization has been based on criteria such as spend, global rights index, human freedom index, SDG index and greenhouse gas emissions (CO2e). In 2024, we also conducted a deeper study to further identify any impact and risks, including risks of human rights and decent working conditions violations, for workers in the value chain and affected communities.
The outcome is, among other things, that our most important supplier category is suppliers of direct materials and that a prioritized market for in-depth due diligence process is suppliers on the Chinese market. It is an area where the risk of violations of human rights and decent working conditions is high. This part of our supply chain is therefore a priority for action and follow-up.
Presto has the ambition of continuously improving our risk mapping and risk management and reviewing the need for additional measures.
3. Mitigation of adverse impacts
All new suppliers are required to accept and sign the Group Code of Conduct for suppliers. The code of conduct includes requirements for compliance with the UN Global compacts 10 principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. Also included are requirements for suppliers to be aware of, and as a minimum comply with, the national legislation of the countries in which they operate.
Suppliers are responsible that the code is available in the local language to employees and suppliers involved in the production of Presto products.
We expect our suppliers to apply the Code of Conduct in their operations and value chain by establishing their own codes of conduct based on the same standard or otherwise communicating our requirements to subcontractors of products, materials and services.
Presto reserves the right to carry out unannounced inspections and follow up any supplier or manufacturer to ensure that the Supplier code is followed. Inspections can also be made by an independent third party of our choice.
Management and prevention of adverse impatcts
Presto strives for long-term relationships and mutual development. We want to have an active dialogue and cooperation of realistic action plans in every individual case of deviation from the code.
Presto purchasing department has the responsibility to follow up and monitoring suppliers and manufacturers. Any non-compliance shall be reported, acted on and followed up. If a supplier or manufacturer fails to implement agreed improvements in accordance with the action plan within the settled time plan Presto will terminate the business with the supplier or the manufacturer.
4. Monitoring of implementation and results
Improvement actions with suppliers are followed up to ensure that the conditions are addressed. We log any deviations from our Code of Conduct or other negative impacts to ensure action and follow-up on the results. The results of deviations are reported in this annual account.
Presto has no reported incidents of actual or potential negative impacts during the previous year.
5. Communication with stakeholders
For inquiries from customers and other stakeholders about our value chain due diligence work, we refer to this report, the Annual and Sustainability Report and our ongoing response to inquiries.
6. Cooperation to mitigate adverse impacts
We will follow up on incidents that require cooperation and compensation or repair of any damage. To date, we have not had any such cases.